Paris Open Source Summit, November 16-17, Paris

Nov 21 2016

OCCIware was presented at the Paris Open Source Summit, on November 17, in the Session "European Collaborative Innovation", dedicated to collaboratibe R&D projects. Find more details on Paris Open Source Summit Blog

Speaker: Marc Dutoo, Smile

Title: OCCIware: Extensible and Standard-based XaaS Platform To Manage Everything in The Clouds 

Abstract: The OCCIware project aims at managing in a unified manner all layers and domains of the Cloud (XaaS), by building on the Open Cloud Computing (OCCI) standard. OCCIware Metamodel formally specifies the main OCCI concepts. Today a first EMF metamodel is defined that adds to OCCI new concepts such as Extension, Configuration, and EDataType, addressing some limitations of OCCI.
This session highlights OCCIware platform two main components:
– The OCCIware Studio Factory, allowing to produce visually customizable diagram editors for any Cloud configuration business domain modeled in OCCI using the OCCI Extension Studio, such as the flagship Docker Studio ;
– The OCCIware Runtime, based on OW2 erocci project, including the tools for deployment, supervision and administration, and allowing to federate multiple XaaS Cloud runtimes, such as the Roboconf PaaS server and the ActiveEon Cloud Automation multi-IaaS connector.
This talk includes a demonstration of the Docker connector and of how to use the OCCIware Cloud Designer to configure a real life Cloud application (a Java API server on top of a MongoDB cluster)’s business, platform and infrastructure layers seamlessly on both VirtualBox and OpenStack infrastructure.