OCCIware Project Deliverables
Year One Deliverables
D2.1.1 Initial Technical Architecture
Abstract: This deliverable introduces the global technical architecture of the project. In particular, we describe the role and interfaces of each technical task.
D2.2.1 OCCI Structural Model
Abstract: This deliverable proposes a precise metamodel for OCCI that defines rigourously the static semantics of the OCCI core concepts, of a precise type classication system, of an extensible data type system, and of both extension and configuration concepts.
D2.3.1 OCCI Specific Language - Structural Part
Abstract: OCCI lacks of a domain-specific description language to define both OCCI extensions and configurations unambiguously, precisely,and completely. We call this Description Language the OCCIwareDL. The goal of this deliverable is to precisely define the structural part of OCCIwareDL. More precisely, this deliverable presents the abstract syntax then describes the textual syntax of OCCIwareDL. OCCIwareDL is a declarative language at the intercession between an Interface Description Language (IDL) and an Architecture Description Language (ADL). The IDL nature of OCCIwareDL is used to precisely define OCCI extensions. The ADL nature of OCCIwareDL is used to precisely define OCCI configurations.
D3.4.1 Cloud Computing Simulators: State of the Art
Abstract: Today simulation technology that allows user to evaluate their algorithms and applications before running them on a real Cloud becomes increasingly popular in the cloud industry and academy. Within the OCCIware project we plan to develop an extensible simulator for cloud services and resources described in OCCI. With this objective in mind, this deliverable presents a short survey of Cloud simulators and evaluates their suitability to be adopted and possibly extended for use in the OCCIware project.
D4.1.1 OCCI Core Architecture.
Abstract: This deliverable gives the initial architecture specification of the OCCI Core. The OCCI Runtime is based on the OCCI Core with runtime engine on the frontend and the deployment services on the backend. We give a runtime architecture model extending the erocci framework. The given runtime is made of multiple loosely coupled components and is able to be plugged to multiple deployment backends.
D4.2.1 Deployment Service Modeling with OCCI
Abstract: This deliverable presents the deployment services for an OCCI application. The OCCI runtime executes an OCCI model that triggers a set of actions for resource provisioning and application deployment and configuration. The deployment services are responsible of executing the resource provisioning and deployment of the OCCI application. They are modeled using the OCCI recommendations.
D5.1.1 DCaaS Use Case Specifications.
Abstract: This document has the objective to describe, identify and collect the general and technical requirements of the DataCenter as a Service Use Case.
D5.3.1 Big Data Use Case requirements specifications
Abstract: This document describes the Big Data as a Services (BDaaS) use case that will demonstrate the usage of OCCIWare platform. The use case is a portfolio hedge and diversification application that uses the Big Data technology Spark. This use case has some generic and specific requirements that are explained in this document.
Year Two Deliverables
D2.1.2 Technical architecture Update
Abstract: The OCCIware project aims at building a comprehensive, yet modular software engineering toolchain dedicated to service-oriented applications. In this deliverable we give an update on the project's initial technical architecture as described in the D2.1.1 deliverable (see above).
D2.2.2 OCCI Behavioural Model
Abstract: OCCI is an Open Grid Forum (OGF) community-based effort to create one of the first open extensible standards for managing any kind of cloud computing resources. The kernel of OCCI is a generic resource-oriented model called OCCI Core Model. The specification of this model as well as its extensions are written in English prose and lacks of precise semantics and are provided in an informal definition, leading possibly to various different interpretations and interoperability issues between OCCI implementations. This delivrable presents a comprehensive formal specification of OCCI behavior, that covers all the elements of the original informal reference specifications.
D2.2.3 QoS Model for OCCI
Abstract: The deliverable describes QoS techniques that are designed to be used in the OCCIware project and proposes an OCCI extension that manages these techniques. The work described in this deliverable is a research work, mostly conducted by PhD students at UGA. The proposed techniques rely on the so-called concept of "performance debugging", a research field that aims at profiling and understanding the behaviour of distributed systems in order to detect performance bottlenecks.
D3.4.2 Simulation Specification
Abstract: This deliverable proposes an OCCI extension dedicated to simulation of the cloud resources. We extended OCCI metamodel with the widely used simulation toolkit, CloudSim. This simulator tool takes a set of OCCI resources through a descriptor called OCCI Configuration and launches the simulation. To generate this OCCI Configuration, we developed a userfriendly simulation GUI upon Eclipse IDE. Through experiments, we confirmed that our simulation extension correctly worked under various policies.
D3.5.1 Technical Architecture Analysis Connector
Abstract: The goal of this document is to study and describe what would be a technical architecture analysis connector that would allow OCCIware to establish an structured model of an IT system defined in OCCI, especially at infrastructure level (including Docker).
D3.6.1 VOY Company's Enterprise Architecture Integration Scenarii
Abstract: This document describes a use case of a company which plans changes using an enterprise architecture tooling, SmartEA. The “Transition to Cloud Services” section shows how to decide to replace an infrastructure with a cloud service by describing the steps leading to this decision, using various criteria like cost and issues reports along with impact analysis tools.
D5.4.1 LDaaS Use Case Specification
Abstract:This document aims to describe general and technical requirements of the Linked Data as a Service OCCIware use case.