Related Projects
OCCIware Related Projects
This section presents a list of projects related to interoperability issues and projects that are particularly inline with OCCIware objectives.
Aeolus | Aeolus objective is to develop theoretical and technical tools for automating deployment, reconfiguration and update of a set of heterogeneous machines. Outcomes used by OCCIware: while Aeolus does not use OCCI formalism to modelize, its descriptive power should allow the refinment of OCCI models for application and services deployment in the PaaS domain. more | |
CompatibleOne | CompatibleOne project objectives were about federating cloud computing actors around a set of foundation open source technologies, as to develop each of them respective competitiveness and their ability to create new innovative services on the cloud computing market.Outcomes used by OCCIware: numerous OCCI models in domains like PaaS, security, resource, brokering, etc. ; feedback on the implementation of OCCI. In a few words, the complexity issued encountered while implementing CompatibleOne have greatly inspired OCCIware project objectives. More | |
Contrail | Contrail objectives is to develop cloud federation environment in a cloud broker approach. It allows negociation of SLAs, manage the elasticity at IaaS level and proposes monitoring and supervision tools. The open source community is hosted by OW2 ( ).Outcomes used by OCIware: VEP component developed at Inria is available here under OpenBSD license. More | |
Crystal | Crystal project addresses the design of multi-domain engineering tools for the designing of critical embedded systems.Outcomes used by OCCIware: Sirius as a foundation for Eclipse OCCIware studio. More | |
CloudSystem Dashboard | The project objectives focus on the management of virtual machines from a unique interface.Website: More | |
Datalyse | The project objective is to define a demonstrator of Bigdata smart processing for collecting, certifying, integrating, categorizing, securisation, enrichment and sharing of two important classes of heterogeneous "BigData": on one hand user data (e,g, their profiles, preferences, social network data, ...) named User Big Data (UBD) and, on the other hand, data generated while operating datacenter, named Monitoring Big Data (MBD).Outcomes used by OCCIware: Spirals team is in charge of Datalyse cloud computing architecture including OpenStack, MongoDB and Hadoop as well as elasticity and scalability mechanisms. More | |
DataScale | DataScale objective is to develop synergies between BigData and HPC domains, through technological components dedicated to their specific domain and able to facilitate their interactions.Outcomes used by OCCIware: mainly HPC and BigData experience used in associated use cases. More | |
EASI-CLOUDS | EASI-CLOUDS objective is to provide an innovative technology allowing SMEs and larger companies to raise actual technological barriers in cloud computing, like legacy software incompatibility , vendor lock-in and the lack of quality of service guarantees.Outcomes used by OCCIware: IaaS and PaaS expertise, in particular with OCCI APIs. More | |
FI-Ware | FI-Ware aim is to ease the creation and production of applications and services for the Future Internet through an open cloud approach.Outcomes used by OCCIware: to be identified during the OCCIware project/ More | |
Gemoc | Gemoc adresses the models computation and generic runtime.Outcomes used by OCCIware: models computation in Sirius used by the OCCIware studio simulator. More | |
ICARE | Project Objectives: Designing a cloud computing framework in the domain of media broadcasting.Outcomes used by OCCIware: erocci, OCCI models for job management services. More | |
MODAclouds | MODAClouds has the objective to develop methods, a decision support system, an open source IDE and an execution environment for design, prototyping, semi-automatic generation of code and deployment of applications on multi-cloud environments with QoS guarantee.Results reused by OCCIware: MODAclouds infrastructure is built on top of jcloud to provide an abstraction for the IaaS configuration. This component, external to MODACloud, will be reused in OCCIware. An adapter between CloudML and OCCI will be considered in relation to the use cases of OCCIware project. More | |
OASIS | OASIS develops a platform of interactive services through citizen, associations, communities, businesses data sharing, allowing the creation of a common public data.Results reused by OCCIware: OASIS platform is reused as base for the Linked Data as a Service demonstrator (see Task 5.5). Skills, practices and LinkedData tools developed within OASIS are implemented for the design of linked data resource models. OASIS uses fuel needs analysis, including cloud computing concerns linked data, non-functional properties, on-demand consumer billing ("billing") and administration console. More | |
OpenCloudware | OpenCloudware develops an open PaaS solution for managing the lifecycle of an application from design to maintenance on multiple IaaS infrastructure.Results reused by OCCIware: The nature of the technical components will be identified in the project. Several partners have gained experience of working together and a strong expertise on PaaS and IaaS infrastructure technologies. More | |
OpenPAAS | OpenPAAS develops a PaaS technology (Platform as a Service) for collaborative corporate applications deployed on hybrid clouds (private / public) and an enterprise social network (ESN) based on this innovative platform.Results reused by OCCIware: IMT-TSP outcomes on OCCI extension, integrated deployment platform Cloud RoboConf designed by Linagora. More | |
PaaSage | PaaSage defines and constructs a platform and a methodology that allow software engineers to develop applications independently of cloud providers' technologies and therefore allowing deployment on multi-cloud platforms.Results reused by OCCIware: The Spirals INRIA team is the author of the Saloon language. Saloon and CAMEL could be a source of inspiration for the OCCIware specific language. More | |
Roboconf | Roboconf addresses the deployment platform and dynamic and elastic (re) configuration of distributed applications on hybrid cloud.Results reused by OCCIware: extension Roboconf platform. More | |
Teap | Objective (s) of the project: creation of an enterprise architecture platform.Results reused by OCCIware: link between Obeo SmartEA and OCCIware Studio (Task 3.6 of the project). More |