OCCIware Use Cases
OCCIware Demonstrators
Four demonstrators will serve as use cases to demonstrate of the OCCIware framework and technology for managing every kind of resource as a service.
Demonstrator "Datacenter as a Service"
It demonstrates OCCIware technology ability to dig into the IaaS black box as to reify physical machines, hypervisors (VMware, Citrix XenServer, ...) and container technologies (Docker, ...) as OCCI resources manageable, as to address horizontal and vertical auto-scalability of user applications. It aims at delivering an elastic Cloud/MultiCloud infrastructure with fast deployment and reconfiguration resources for hosted applications. Find more details.
Demonstrator "Deploy@OCCIware"
This demonstrator focuses on deployment, live reconfiguration (with elasticity) and monitoring of complex enterprise application on several IaaS, PaaS, in particular through the Proactive Cloud Automation platform and Roboconf deployment framework. Find more details
Demonstrator "Big Data"
How OCCI can be used to facilitate the configuration and deployment of Big Data and HPC services? The "Big Data" demosntratrator provides an example of that. ActiveEon deploys its Proactive Scheduling platform with Map Reduce support on a cloud infrastructure, with the ability to dynamically adjust the amount of compute nodes according to load. Find more details
Demonstrator "LinkedData as a Service"
OASIS (Openly Accessible Services for an Interactive Society) develops a platform for the creation of public common data sets through the use of defined set of applications provided to citizens and public organizations. This platform is called OZWILLO (See more at www.ozwillo.com). We will industrialize the process of creating new applications through the delivery of on-demand interoperable linked data as services, targeted at application developers and supported by online tools. Find more details