The OCCIware Solution

A Formal and Tooled Framework for Managing Everything as a Service

OCCIware Architecture

The OCCIware project aims at developing a formal framework as well as tools for modelization, design, deployment and execution of every computing resource as a service. The project has the aim to : 

- lower Cloud Computing adoption costs; 

- break up barriers between its various implementations, layers, and domains.  

It leverages the Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) recommendation from Open Grid Forum (OGF) by bringing to OCCI the power of formal languages and model driven engineering (MDE). 

Project outcomes

From OCCIware Studio to Runtime

  • The OCCIware Studio An OCCI model-driven toolchain that enables to engineer every kind of resources as a service.  This toolchain is targeted to existing OCCI runtime like erocci, rOCCI, PyOCNI and OCCI4Java. The studio contains tools for modelizing, designing, developing, simulating resources as a service as well as generating code plus decision aids for enterprise architecture migration to cloud services. It is based on Eclipse environment and published under EPL license. More
  • The OCCIware Runtime. The OCCIware Models@run.time support includes a resources container, tools for deployment, supervision and administration. It is published under an open source license compatible with industrial exploitation (e.g. Apache, EPL, LGPL)  through the OW2 consortium. More

  • The OCCIware formal framework for modelizing, designing, developing, simulating, deploying, executing and managing every kind of resource as a service.
  • The OCCIware dedicated language to specify, define and implement computing resources as a service. This language includes an abstract syntax (a meta-model), a concrete textual syntax and a dedicated graphical syntax. 
  • A deploy@OCCIware platform for elastic deployment and reconfiguration on hybrid cloud, able to provide cloud services for the deployment, elasticity management, reconfiguration, supervision and managing SLA of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS services through OCCI. This platform will benefit from Cloud Automation and Roboconf projects, developed by ActiveEon, Linagora and UJF and will be open source licensed.
  • Four demonstrators of OCCIware technology in the domain of datacenter management (DCaaS) and infrastructure (IaaS), IaaS, PaaS and SaaS deployment and reconfiguration interoperability, BigData as as Service (BDaaS) and LinkedData as a Service (LDaaS) through the European platform OASIS. See the Use cases section. 
  • A set of formal, unambiguous, comprehensive and mathematically proven specification  enriching the OCCI recommendation from OGF like formal specification of OCCI Core and OCCI Infrastructure as well as new extensions: OCCI Datacenter, OCCI Platform, OCCI Application, OCCI Big Data, OCCI LinkedData, OCCI Business Process, etc. That way, OCCI could become the first cloud computing standard formally specified.
  • Standardization of the OCCI/OCCIware specifications through Open Grid Forum (OGF) and Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF).

Discover the OCCIware Story in comic strip

