Public Presentations

This section presents the presentations of OCCIware given in public conferences. 

Dec 14 2017

Paris Open Source Summit 2017

Presentation at the Paris Open Source Summit, December 6-7, 2017. 


Nov 30 2017

Eclipse Day, Lyon, November 2017

EclipseDay Lyon, November 28, 2017


Mar 20 2017

Cloud Expo Europe 2017

Presentation of OCCIware, the Extensible and Standard-based XaaS Platform To Manage Everything in The Clouds. 


Nov 21 2016

Paris Open Source Summit, November 16-17, Paris

OCCIware was presented at the Paris Open Source Summit, on November 17, in the Session "European Collaborative Innovation", dedicated to collaboratibe R&D projects. 


Nov 07 2016

DG CONNECT Cloud Research Consultation and Workshop, November 7, Brussels

Check out OCCIware consortium's contribution in the EU consultation on the future research and innovation challenges in the area of Cloud Computing.

Sep 21 2016

OWcon'16, September 21-22, 2016, Paris

OCCIware was presented at OW2con'16 on September 21, 2016 in Paris Mozilla Space, by Marc Dutoo, Smile. 


Jun 21 2016

EclipseCon France, June 7-9, Toulouse

OCCIware was presented at EclipseCon France in Toulouse, on June 9, 2016, by Marc Dutoo, Open Wide, and Etienne Juliot, Obeo. 

Apr 14 2016

Cloud Expo Europe, April 12-13, London

OCCIware presentation at Cloud Expo Europe, in the Open Cloud Park, by Marc Dutoo, Open Wide. 

Jan 07 2016

SCS Big Data Working Group Meeting, January 7, Mougins, France

In the framework of the cluster SCS ("Solutions Communicantse et Sécurisées") and during the Big Data Working Group meeting, ActiveEon presented the OCCIware supported use-case entitled "Spark as a Service by Cloud Automation". 


Nov 18 2015

OW2con'15, November 18, Paris

OCCIware was presented at OW2con'15, the annual conference of the OW2 community, colocated in 2015 with Paris Open Source Summit, by Marc Dutoo, OpenWide. 

Nov 05 2015

CLASS Conference, November 5-6, Bled, Slovenia

Speaker: Jean Parpaillon, Inria.
Presentation Title: Facing the Open Cloud challenges, the OCCIware approach. 

Aug 13 2015

STAF 2015 (Conference Software Technologies Applications & Foundations), July 20-24, l'Aquila, Italy

Speaker: Jean Parpaillon, Inria
Presentation Title: A Formal and Tooled Toochain for Managing Everyting As A Service

Jun 02 2015

China Cloud Computing Conference & Standardization Forum, June 2, 2015, Beijing

Cédric Thomas, OW2 - "OW2 and Cloud Computing Standardization: the OCCIware project"

May 20 2015

OGF44, EGI Spring Forum, May 2015, Lisbon

Presentation Title: OCCIware, a formal toochain for managing everything as a service.
Speaker: Jean Parpaillon, Inria

Presentation Title: The Open Grid Forum: History, introduction and process
Speaker: Alan Sill, OGF. 

Apr 01 2015

Cloud Computing World Expo, April 1, 2015, Paris

Marc Dutoo, OpenWide, Cloud Computing World Expo, April 1-2, Paris 

Mar 18 2015

Cloud Expo Europe, March 11-12, 2015, London

Jean Parpaillon, Inria and Marc Dutoo, OpenWide, Cloud Expo Europe, March 11-12, 2015, London