OCCIware will be presented in the Paris Open Source Summit conference, by Marc Dutoo, Smile. The presentations will be given in French.
Title (french): Développeurs, urbanisez la consommation de vos Clouds et APIs avec OCCIware : une démo complète (IoT, Spark, Docker)".
Schedule: December 7, 14h10 – 14h30
Conference Track: Devops - Automation : system and application deployment.
Presentation abstract:
OCCIware - standard, extensible Cloud consumer platform : an end-to-end demo (IoT, Linked Data, Spark, Docker)
Who uses multi cloud today ? Everybody. Alas, this leads to a lot of "technical glue". Enter OCCIware's Studio and Runtime : manage all layers and domains of the Cloud (XaaS) in a uniform, standard, extensible way - the Cloud consumer platform.
This presentation first introduces the OCCIware platform - the result of 3 years of R&D by French Open Source companies and labs led byb Smile and Inria. It then shows a live demonstration of how its component helps an IoT, Linked & Big Data, containerized Cloud solution to let electricity consumption be monitored across territories by all actors - individuals, utility providers, up to regional public bodies.
The presentation includes demos of OCCIware's visual Docker & Linked Data Studios, OCCInterface web playground.
Download the presentation
Title: Linked Open Data as a Service as an open approach to energy consumption monitoring
Schedule: December 7, Room Mixage, 12:00 - 12:10.
Download the presentation
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