Paris Open Source Summit 2017

Dec 07 2017


OCCIware will be presented in the Paris Open Source Summit conference, by Marc Dutoo, Smile. The presentations will be given in French. 



Title (french): Développeurs, urbanisez la consommation de vos Clouds et APIs avec OCCIware : une démo complète (IoT, Spark, Docker)". 

Schedule: December 7, 14h10 – 14h30

Conference Track: Devops - Automation : system and application deployment. 

Presentation abstract:
OCCIware - standard, extensible Cloud consumer platform : an end-to-end demo (IoT, Linked Data, Spark, Docker)

Who uses multi cloud today ? Everybody. Alas, this leads to a lot of "technical glue". Enter OCCIware's Studio and Runtime : manage all layers and domains of the Cloud (XaaS) in a uniform, standard, extensible way - the Cloud consumer platform.
This presentation first introduces the OCCIware platform - the result of 3 years of R&D by French Open Source companies and labs led byb Smile and Inria. It then shows a live demonstration of how its component helps an IoT, Linked & Big Data, containerized Cloud solution to let electricity consumption be monitored across territories by all actors - individuals, utility providers, up to regional public bodies.
The presentation includes demos of OCCIware's visual Docker & Linked Data Studios, OCCInterface web playground. 

Download the presentation pdf.png


Title: Linked Open Data as a Service as an open approach to energy consumption monitoring

Schedule: December 7, Room Mixage, 12:00 - 12:10. 

Download the presentation pdf.png

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